Guru Pole Floats
Guru Pinger Wire Stem Pole Floats
Available from 0.15g - 1g
Guru Diamond Pole Floats
Available from 0.2 - 1g
Guru Pinger Carbon Stem Pole Floats
Available in:
0.25g, 0.4g, 0.5g, 0.75g and 1g
Guru AR Pole Floats
Guru F1 Wire and Carbons Floats
Guru Mick Wilkinson The Cookie Pole Floats
Guru Margin Diamond Pole Floats
The perfect float for margin fishing.
Designed with a 0.9mm glass fibre stem and a hollow 2.5mm bristle.
Guru Bobbie Pole Floats
A super strong and stable addition to Guru’s Mick Wilkinson range of high quality pole floats hand made here in the UK. Designed to cover the vast majority of your F1 fishing with a highly visible hollow 1.8mm bristle and super strong high density foam body. The slim pattern offers minimum resistance while a strong 0.6mm wire stem provides stability in all weather conditions.
Guru Bagger Pole Float
The Guru Bagger pole floats are the ideal pole float when fishing against a mudline or fishing down the edge. Featuring a 0.9mm fiberglass stem, which is super durable and will not break or snap under pressure. Also, the 2mm hollow plastic bristle is very visible even in low light conditions or against any bankside vegetation.
Guru Bobbie Carbon Pole Float
The Guru Bobbie Carbons are the perfect pole float when targeting carp all year round. Featuring a 0.6mm carbon stem, which is super durable and suits a variety of different tactics. The stem itself is built all the way through the body of the float and into the bristle, adding to the strength of the float as well as helping the float settle once dropped into the water.
Guru Skimmer Carbon Pole Floats
This pattern is a true all-rounder for natural venues, ideal for stillwaters and canals, or slow-moving rivers. The body shape is an elongated rugby ball, offering superb stability and a great shape body to offer low resistance to a taking fish and when striking it out of the water. The Hi-Viz fibreglass bristles and the stem diameters increase as the size of floats increase from 0.5g all the way up to 4g, so everything is in proportion and balanced as you step up in size.
Guru Skimmer Wire Pole Floats
This pattern is a true all-rounder for natural venues, ideal for stillwaters and canals, or slow-moving rivers. The body shape is an elongated rugby ball, offering superb stability and a great shape body to offer low resistance to a taking fish and when striking it out of the water. The Hi-Viz fibreglass bristles and the stem diameters increase as the size of floats increase from 0.5g all the way up to 4g, so everything is in proportion and balanced as you step up in size.
Guru Ligger Wire Pole Float
The Guru Ligger Wire Pole Float features a much rounder body profile. This gives the float ultimate stability and allow it to be easily controlled in flowing water conditions, perfect for use on rivers.
Guru Ligger Carbon Pole Float
The Guru Ligger Carbon Pole Floats feature a much rounder body profile. This gives the float ultimate stability and allow it to be easily controlled in flowing water conditions, perfect for use on rivers.
Guru Speed Wire Pole Floats
The Speed is a pattern designed for catching large numbers of fish, a stable pattern that sets and settles very quickly, enabling a bite to be seen as soon as the bait settles, perfect for use with a bulked-down style positive rig. The fast-setting nature of this float comes from the fact that it is a body-down design, with the body tapered in a teardrop shape with the bottom of the body rounder for stability and the top part of the body tapering up smoothly to the bristle.
Guru Speed Carbon Pole Floats
The Speed is a pattern designed for catching large numbers of fish, a stable pattern that sets and settles very quickly, enabling a bite to be seen as soon as the bait settles, perfect for use with a bulked-down style positive rig. The fast-setting nature of this float comes from the fact that it is a body-down design, with the body tapered in a teardrop shape with the bottom of the body rounder for stability and the top part of the body tapering up smoothly to the bristle.
Guru Slim Pencil Pole Floats
The slim and long body shape to this pattern makes it perfect for catching lots of fish very quickly in all kinds of situations. Ideal for use on a whip or in all depths on a pole, the benefit of this float is its super-fast-setting nature with the long balsa body very difficult to tangle and flick over or wrap up.
Guru Slim Maggot Pole Floats
A really popular shape and style of float that has loads of uses, especially for fishing on the drop and through the water with baits like maggots, casters, squatts, pinkies and hemp. The bristle on this float is probably its biggest edge against all others, as it features a pure cane tip. When fishing ‘through the water’ and ‘on the drop’, cane offers amazing presentation and bait support, and can be very easily shotted , especially when dotting a float right down to a pimple.